What’s better than everyone around the table digging into a tasty casserole? Made with humble ingredients, it’s packed with flavour. Enjoy this one pot wonder with the family.

Herb-Fed Chicken Thighs, Pearl Barley Casserole, Smoked Bacon, Soft Herbs


For the Chicken Thighs
4 herb-fed chicken thighs (140g each)
1 lemon, zest
1tsp salt
1 clove garlic

For the Pearl Barley Casserole
100g            pearl barley
80g              onion, finely diced
80g              celeriac, finely diced
80g              carrot, finely diced
2                  cloves garlic, finely diced
100g            good quality pancetta, diced
350g            good quality chicken stock
20g              Worcestershire Sauce
100ml          white wine
2tbsp           mixed chopped soft herbs (chervil, parsley, chives)


Place the chicken thighs on a plate, skin side down, flesh side up. Evenly rub each one with the lemon zest and garlic then season with salt.
In a medium sized casserole pan, sweat down the onion and pancetta bacon for about a minute. Add the garlic, diced veg and barley and sweat for a further 2 minutes until it starts to caramelize slightly on the bottom.
Deglaze with the white wine and reduce by ¾. Place the chicken thighs on top skin side up and add the chicken stock and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to the boil and once boiling, place a lid on top and put in the oven. Cook for 20 minutes at 180˚C.
Remove the lid from the pan and turn up the oven to 220˚C. Cook the chicken for a further 10 minutes in order to crisp up the skin.
Once done, remove the thighs from the casserole and stir in the chopped soft herbs.
To Serve
Place a good spoonful of the barley casserole into a shallow bowl and place the crispy-skinned chicken thigh on top.